Thursday, October 12, 2006

Money Making Ideas

Whether you go into business for yourself, or tackle the competitive job market, you are surely in pursuit of capital. This is the reason many of us work so hard in this buy-many buy-large society. We always want something better. We crave the largest home and the flashiest car. It is a learned quality that we simply can not discard at will. The media and our neighbors won't let us. Good thing there are so many money making ideas.

Most of us have one or two that we consider or take a shot at. A buddy of mine wanted to be an actor more than anything. He did not yearn for this position merely because of the passion, he wanted a lot of money. Who makes more money than celebrities. While most of society is in awe of their neighbor that pulls in 250K a year, a movie star is banking 20 million for a single flick. There is really no comparison. They are different worlds. While the majority of us give up on this Hollywood utopia, we look elsewhere for money making ideas. Maybe we have that perfect, new invention, or possibly that revolutionary web site idea. Regardless of our dreams, there are many ways to achieve them.

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