The first place to look when considering purchasing this type of insurance is actually the Internet. Not only will you find many companies all wanting to sell you insurance for self employed people but you’ll also have an incredible amount of research information at your disposal.
One of the most important considerations when you are thinking about this is whether or not you will eventually hire employees. If you are currently a one man or one woman show, so to speak, your primary concern will be insurance for self employed individuals that covers things like medical and accidents.
If you expand and decide that you need extra hands, you’ll be faced with another decision. Most employees demand some sort of insurance coverage and for the person who is running their own small business, the costs might not always be feasible.
herefore it’s often a good idea to hire others under a work for hire arrangement where you specify in writing that you wont’ be providing insurance coverage to them. They may balk at this but it’s your business and if you don’t want to carry that extra cost, you shouldn’t. You will already be responsible for the premiums on your insurance for self employed individuals to cover yourself.
Unfortunately whether it’s car, home or medical, insurance is a necessity and important. When you are considering insurance for self employed people have all the information you can available to you so you know exactly what is and isn’t covered.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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