Friday, February 18, 2011

Writing Articles And Submitting Them Means Earning Money?

Do you think that writing articles and submitting them to article directories is a good way to earn money online? You certainly would not be alone as there are many people out there making a lot of money simply by doing what we in the internet marketing field call article marketing.

What is Article Marketing?

Article marketing is the practice of creating articles and submitting them to various article directories mainly to obtain back links to your sites and pages. However, there is a new article and blog directory that is really cool. This article directory called actually pays you 50% of all Adsense revenue that is generated by your articles or blog postings! Is that cool or what?

You also get up to 3 back links per article or blog post so it is definitely a must to submit to Learn more about how you can make more money with your articles and blog posts.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


I would never have given much thought to Networking in a work from home business until I had a chance conversation with someone yesterday. I'll call the other person Jo to protect her identity.

Jo mentioed she was attending a networking event for a couple of days and saw this as an essential part of building her business.

Even though I work from home, I have more than enough work contacts not to resort to networking so that is why I have never been to a networking event, but what about you?

If you have a work from home business, have you ever considered what a networking event could do for your bottom line? Maybe you should...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Work From Home In The Snow

The recent snow il the UK serves as a reminder about the hidden benefits when you work from home.

Not only have I managed to avoid the increased petrol and diesel prices of the last 12 months, I also didn't have to defrost my car and drive on icy roads like some of my neighbors who don't work from home.

In fact, as I write this while taking a break from some of my other work at home deadlines, I can still see snow falling while I sit inside by the fire with a cup of coffee and work on my computer.

Right now, the worst thing that can happen to me is if I lose my internet connection. That's a downside when you work from home, but I have some work planned that I can do offline, so either way, I'll get work done.

But what if the snow brings the power cables down? Don't worry, because I have 3 laptops charged ready to go, so I'll be able to work from home no matter what.

If you are stuck in a dead end job, or driving in the snow, isn't it time you started planning your work from home business?

Friday, December 01, 2006

Desktop Publishing Courses

With the net lending itself best to individualization and autonomy—combined with a profound globalization of those individual entrepreneurs and businesses—desktop publishing courses have become imperative. For Microsoft Word users, for instance, people want to learn how to set up templates, import graphics, work with menus and submenus, work with toolbars, establish file properties, set margins, use column and graph functions, and manipulate colors, shading, borders, and fonts.

Desktop publishing courses offer lessons on such techniques and strategies as well as on many more processes. What about, for example, page layout? Do you know how to change the page from portrait to landscape style? Or, regarding formatting, could you use some help importing and placement of text boxes, columns, headers, and images?

Hundreds of desktop publishing courses exist in the physical world and online. Many are accredited, taught by qualified professionals and instructors, and most offer a thorough and comprehensive syllabus package in general of desktop publishing courses in particular. For instance, the following offerings are found online (described as featured, for example, at a course that takes eleven and a half hours; courses that cover 40 weeks worth of material; classes in elements of design; desktop publishing courses focused on planning and designing documents such as newsletters, memos, calendars, flyers, and cards; and classes teaching you to merge documents, manipulate fields, and format and/or manipulate outlines and edit text.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Make Money With Google Adsense

Many people are interested in finding out how to make money with Google Adsense. You can find this as the topic of discussion on many blogs and on some websites as well. Those who are not savvy about web design, content and Internet advertising may want to consider using Google Ad Sense as a supplemental source of income rather than a second job.

Bloggers make up a good part of the curious population so this article is directed towards them. I have some experience since I did make some money with Google Adsense on my blog. However, there are a lot of things to consider before jumping in and using this vehicle for extra cash.

First of all, you have to consider the content in your own blog. If you are keeping a personal diary that does little more that share your witty insight and your experiences you may want to forgo using it as a way to make money using Google Adsense.

There are other bloggers who get annoyed with advertisements on blogs that so not provide a particular service. There is a kind-of unspoken rule that it is bad taste to use advertisements on a personal log of your experience. Many visitors will leave comments letting you know that, too.

However, if your blog is useful to the readers and if they can benefit from the advertisements you should definitely use it to make money with Google Adsense.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Get Paid To Take Surveys

Everyone would like to get paid to take surveys. I can think of no way I’d rather make money than to get paid to take surveys online, especially about interesting things. For some reason I’ve always liked surveys, and quizzes. Even in high school and college, I actually kind of looked forward to my exams. While they were in a sense of course stressful, there’s just something fun about answering questions for me.

Maybe it’s just a quirk of mine, but I always fill out any surveys people send me, even ones people call me on the phone for. I definitely prefer to do the ones online, but I feel a sort of sympathy for phone surveyors as I used to have a similar job. Online surveys are best because they can be done on your own time. When I learned that you can get paid to take surveys online I was of course interested immediately.

While it is true that you can get paid to take surveys online, there are some serious catches to this would be good news. Like everything else, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. I’m not the only one that would like to get paid to take surveys, and some less than ethical internet scam artists have picked up on this common desire. If you’re researching ways to get paid to take surveys, be on your guard for scams.

The vast majority of the sites you’ll find online that claim they can hook you up with paid surveys are just trying to take your money and run. I’ve seen some ridiculous claims on these sights about making thousands of dollars a month doing nothing but taking surveys. While it’s a tempting thought, you can tell these are scams just by looking at them. Why would anyone ever clean toilets for a living if they could get paid to take surveys online for about the same wage or more? If you research a little further you’ll see that many people have complained about these scams, and that they really don’t deliver anything.

The truth of the matter is there isn’t anyway to get paid to take surveys consistently. While there are a few sites that offer coupons, gift certificates, and sometimes small cash rewards for taking surveys, most of these sights only reward you with a ‘chance’ to get the prize by doing the survey. Sights like these are real, and aren’t scams. One example is the NPD Online Research group. I’ve been a member of their site for several months just because I like surveys, but I’ve yet to actually win any of the rewards they offer.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Make Money On The Internet

The world is filled with money making schemes. From the game of gambling to the stock market trade, you can surely find some form of alternative income. Countless people turn the World-Wide-Web to turn a buck from home. You too can make money on the Internet if you know the right way to do it. This ever-changing world we live in may always continue to advance, but one aspect will always remain the same; capital will be necessary to survive. If you're not familiar with cyberspace on an income producing level, it's time to change things and make money on the Internet today.

The great thing about cyberspace is that it's free. While we will always pay for tangible goods in the physical world, we don't have to fork over big bucks for a website. In fact, we can create websites of our own. I was somewhat shocked when my computer savvy brother taught me how to build my own website. I couldn't believe that it was free. I actually had my very own spot on the Internet. No one could take that away. Do you have your own web space? Maybe you post photos online for family members to view at will, or possibly have your own business. This is a wonderful vehicle to help you with this. The Internet can not only provide you with gobs of information for starting your own company, but it can be your vehicle in doing so. You can make money on the Internet to support your family. Just take a look at every business online today. There truly are infinite services and products at your fingertips. It doesn't have to be a mere pipe dream.

Are you anxious to make money on the Internet? What is your forte? You probably have a gift or strong suit that can produce some serious cash. Maybe you refurbish computers. I have a close friend that does this on a daily basis. It's how he makes a living from home. I was utterly shocked when he revealed the cash he brought in every week. While he does make money on the Internet, he doesn't have to work for a separate employer. This is the way to go if you ask me. You decide your hours; you get all of the profit; you answer to no one. If he makes a solid living in a posh southern California neighborhood this way, then so can you. Jump online and browse through the number of ways you can make money on the Internet without sacrificing the comfort of your own home everyday.